Thursday, February 18, 2010


Last Sunday when I went looking for shed's I was sweating in places I didn't know I had. Acording to my new map software I gained 700 feet in elevation in about 25 minutes.

Monday, February 15, 2010

Princess of the forest

Me and chloe went and looked for sheds today, got skunked again but had fun together.(Click on pictures if you want them bigger)





She was brave out in the open, but when the trees closed in she stayed close and was worried about cougars lol

Over a mile behind a locked gate and blocked in by fallen trees that have been that way for years we found this.



So tired of this

I'm going back in a couple days to sift through and try and find a piece of mail with a name or address on it.

From my hike yesterday

Saturday, February 13, 2010

I want to try

Hold on to the freakin gun lol.

Friday, February 12, 2010

Map software

I am really exited, I have been wanting this for a long time. Naomi found a really good deal on ebay for the Oregon one and ordered it for me for V-day. Cant wait to get it.